Ah, a new year and a big reminder that I haven’t posted anything in a while. I know I’ve been a little M.I.A. recently and honestly, I’ve found it difficult to sit down and write anything since my nana passed away in November. It’s funny how death, even when you know it’s coming, can knock you sideways.
My grandparents were a big part of my life growing up, they moved in with my parents when I was two years old and lived with us (then later in the apartment next door to us) up until I was in my early 20’s. They looked after me while my parents were at work so, essentially, I had four amazing adults keeping me in line – actually six adults with my brother (18 years older than me) and my uncle always stopping by!

My nana had a great sense of humour (which she would say was evident as she married my grandad) and was dedicated to her family. I ate breakfast with her every morning and she cooked dinner for the family every weeknight. When I got a bit older, I spent most evenings watching TV with her – Chicago Hope a favourite, but E.R. too (for George Clooney), then came all the CSI’s and of course, Criminal Minds.

My grandad was the one who taught me how to build things. He had a workshop in our basement where he would tinker with electric trains, build model furniture and paint. When he found out my mum was pregnant he built me a dollhouse and when I got a little older we added a working elevator extension so my toy horse could easily play with everyone else in the attic (bust mostly because he thought it would be a cool thing to build together).
When my dad died it felt too soon. Even though he had been sick for a long time, I thought he would be with us for longer – it led to depression and about six months on autopilot that I don’t really remember. In contrast, my nana had just celebrated her 99th birthday in October. She had a very long and healthy life and, in her own words, was ready to “go” ten years ago. I know she couldn’t have lived forever, but even though I knew it was inevitable the pain isn’t different.
Over the holidays I wanted to honour her memory, I made her favourite Christmas dinner (beef wellington and yorkshire pudding) and a gazillion of her signature shortbread cookies which were gifted to friends. We gathered with family, told stories and shared laughs (and tears).
But, it’s hard to gather with friends and family and not see the empty spaces where loved ones should be.
And now we start a new year, a new decade and it feels like it should be a big deal, but for me it doesn’t feel that different. I’m not wiping the slate clean to “start fresh” or making grand resolutions. I grew up in the ‘90s and I’m sure I will continue to grow in the ‘20s; 2019 had ups and downs and I’m sure 2020 will as well.
I have some exciting things planned for this year and I’m sure, as usual, stuff will happen and plans will change – that’s part of the fun right? I’ll roll with it and I hope you’ll roll along with me.
What’s on the agenda as of right now?
This month I’ll be heading to the International Design Show here in Toronto and then to Las Vegas Market to see all the new trends and, hopefully, make new contacts for my growing business.
I’m working on a makeover of my mum’s kitchenette in the basement – it’s time she got a grown-up fridge and sink down there!
Mum and I will be heading out on another cruise adventure in the spring (what can I say, it’s kinda our thing).
Chris will be finishing up his college program in April and will be starting his apprenticeship as an electrician. (p.s. If you can help him get a job with Ontario Power Generation let’s talk – we are a-okay with nepotism).
We still have our spare bedroom that needs to be sorted out (aka the room of shame). Spoiler alert: that will likely be a One Room Challenge project.
I may, or may not be heading back to the Haven Conference in July – that’s still TBD.
I’m thinking about some content series I want to write to go a little more in depth about some topics I’m passionate about like renter friendly decorating, buying the perfect bedding and deck building!
Hey! Maybe we’ll finish our ensuite update that we restarted six months ago…after originally starting five years ago. Anything could happen!
Then we’ll see what the rest of the year brings us…who needs to plan everything right?
Do you have big plans or resolutions for this year/decade? Leave me a comment and let me know – I want to support you! Or maybe there’s something I can help with – are there any topics/projects you would like to see featured on this blog? Tell me!
There have been a lot of changes in your lives over the past few years. Like you 2020 is just a new year. Maybe things will start to settle down when Chris starts his apprenticeship. Take a break Casey. You have been on a real roll!