Powder Room Five Years Later
One of my most popular blog posts is also one of the first I ever published, and it was the first DIY I tackled in our house: our powder room makeover.

Anyways…With some paint, a little trim and some beadboard wallpaper, my mum and I added some much needed personality to our powder room in one weekend.

I get a lot of questions about our beadboard wallpaper and how well it’s held up over the years.
Overall, I’m still impressed with the beadboard wallpaper. It’s held up reasonably well and people are shocked that it’s wallpaper. I have found that the foam-like texture does mean that it can tear and I have had to replace a few small sections due to our cats dragging their claws across it while trying to sit on the windowsill. But, because it’s wallpaper those repairs are very easy.

I would definitely still recommend this wallpaper, but I do wonder if painting it might add some durability and make it a little easier to clean.
One thing that hasn’t held up though is the wall colour. It’s funny how much my style has changed in the last five years. When we first moved in and started decorating, I really embraced all things “beachy” because we are so close to the water. But, as we’ve slowly been decorating and renovating spaces our style has developed and this beach house bathroom doesn’t really fit.
I think it’s time for a little refresh.

The powder room already got new baseboards in the fall to match the rest of the main floor. I’d really like to remove the white “builder basic” accessories and install a more stylish mirror and faucet.

The beadboard wallpaper is not going anywhere, but I do want to paint it and see if that helps make it more durable. I’ll also be ditching the seafoam green for something a little…darker.
Here’s a little moodboard I created with some inspiration – I’d love to know what you think!