Happy New Year!
Did you have a great holiday? Mine seemed to rush by quickly and was a lot busier than usual, but I still managed to take some time to reflect on 2018 and plan some of my goals for 2019 – an annual tradition for me.
2018 was definitely a bit of a crazy, but exciting year for me – I cut back on my freelance work and started focusing more time on growing my design business and had the opportunity to design six client projects in the later half of the year.

Chris and I also tackled our biggest DIY project to date – our kitchen renovation – which meant taking down a load-bearing wall, building a large custom island, and laying a brand new hardwood floor.

On a personal level 2018 also brought me a lot of happiness. I was lucky enough to celebrate new babies, new relationships and marriages with some of my favourite people and Chris and I took an epic three week adventure in Europe that we had been planning (and saving for) for five years.
Without a better way to describe it, I also feel like the fog I’ve been living under after my dad past away in 2016 has started to lift. My energy levels have increased and I managed to get back behind my sewing machine and started quilting again, a hobby I pretty much gave up when he got sick.

So, what does 2019 have in store?
I have no idea. While I always like to set goals for myself, things always seem to change and I usually pivot. Regardless, I’m excited.
This year I hope to keep growing my design business and help more people create their dream spaces with my DIY design plans. P.S. if you or a friend needs help (re)decorating a space I hope you’ll contact me 🙂
Like every year, I still aim to become more organized around the house. This is something I always struggle with because of my pack-rat nature.
And yes, I do have lots of fun DIY projects planned and one small renovation. Did say we were done tearing town walls? Oops, let’s ignore that okay? It’s just a teeny one anyways.
I’m also excited to continue my learning this year and will be attending my first ever Design Influencers Conference. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and learning some new things.
Away from my blog and business, I have some personal goals as well. I’m hoping to do more sewing in 2019 and reduce my epic fabric stash. I also want to focus on some “self-care” including taking better care of my skin and teeth (problem areas for me) and improving my physical health with more exercise. Seriously, how easily I get out of breath is just embarrassing.
Do you have any big goals for the year? Is there any content you’d like to see from me that could help? Let me know!
Here’s to another great year!