All the Details on my New Desk Chair from CoreChair
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by CoreChair. I only work with brands I know and trust. All opinions are my own. How much time do you spend sitting at a

Reno Diaries: HVAC, Electrical, Drywall – Oh my!
Remember last week when I had no update on our reno? Because we had done absolutely nothing? Well this past week we did all the things – HVAC, Framing, Electrical & Drywall! Ok, maybe not ALL the things, but it feels like it. I’m excited to say that our HVAC guys came and moved/reconnected our

Reno Diaries: Renovation Delays and DIY Table Daydreams
Guys, Can I just start by saying: renovation delays suck. Yup, absolutely nothing has changed since my last reno update – not. one. thing. Why are we delayed? Cold air returns. It turns out the wall we removed had not only a heat run, but also a cold air return for our second floor running

Reno Diaries: The Load Bearing Wall is Gone!
Ding dong the load bearing wall is gone! I’m going to level with you. I was having some major anxiety while the guys were taking out our wall. What if they just leave part way through? Are we making a huge mistake by even doing this reno? Of course, everything was fine. Better than fine
Reno Diaries: Renovation Preparation
Guys. My house looks ridiculous right now. If you missed my last post about our upcoming renovation definitely go check it out here to see what we’re planning to do. So why does our house look ridiculous? Well, the wall between our kitchen and dining room is set to come down in a few days and Chris

Reno Diaries: Our Main Floor Renovation Begins Now
I am both excited and terrified to share that our main floor renovation is about to begin! If you’ve been following along with me for a while you might remember that Chris and I updated our “builder standard” kitchen in the 2013 fall One Room Challenge. As we were in the middle of that project
2017 House by the Bay Reader Survey
We’re heading into a very busy week of celebrations, family and food, so this will be my last blog post of 2017. You’ll still see me posting on Instagram, but after the holidays I always like to take a little break from posting on the blog and start planning for next year. My head is

Entertaining Made Easy with the Perfect Cheese Board
I love entertaining, but I never want to spend a lot of time making little appetizers. My go-to for gatherings is to create a easy and delicious cheese board filled with lots of snacks. Not quite sure how to do it? Here are my steps to the perfect cheese board (and some of my favourite

How to Style Frigidaire Black Stainless Steel Appliances: Mid-Century Modern Kitchen
The mid-century modern kitchen is one of the hottest design styles right now, and it looks effortlessly cool with black stainless steel appliances. This month I’ve partnered with Frigidaire to celebrate the launch of the new Gallery Black Stainless Steel Collection. Mid-Century Modern Kitchen Design This true mid-century modern kitchen features smooth walnut cabinetry and

House by the Bay 2017 Holiday Gift Guide
Instead of doing a themed gift guide this year I decided instead to share some things that Chris, mum and I own already or would have on our wish lists. So without further ado, the official House by the Bay gift guide! 1. Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Chris did a lot (and I mean A